SoftPlan 2018 New Features: Distance


Distance command can reference the edge of a curved countertop.



  1. Something for future thought. Working in Ontario Canada all our designs are required to be completely code compliant with the Ontario Building Code (OBC) especially Parts 3 and 9. Softplan would be leading the pack if it could do just that. For example residential projects and small buildings. Our permit application documents must include the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) matrices. In that regard a dialogue box which inputs all the pertinent project information like occupancy (or mixed occupancies) type, building areas new and additions, number of storeys, lot size, # of street faces, room types & dimensions and from all of this the software would generate all the detail required for the permit application. For example in housing projects, bedrooms must meet code specific dimensions and window sizes, the software could crank out the minimum before setting the cursor to the design. We’re always looking for ways to expedite design/drawing production this could be really a break through in that regard.
    I can provide more detail and help feel free to contact me.

  2. Still need to see some deference when using set distance between, either permanent line could that could be set in a layer..or a number showing the distance also could be set to a layer
    But i would want to see a line better

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