Welcome SoftPlan Educational Users

With SoftPlan's online ordering, students can conveniently order the SoftPlan HomeWork Station for completing work outside of class. HomeWork Stations are licensed for 12 months and are limited to one computer. The HomeWork Station is only available to students from school's using SoftPlan Version 14 (or higher). The computer must be connected to the Internet while the HomeWork Station is running.  Drawings created with the HomeWork Station can only be printed at the student's school and are to be used for educational purposes only.  For this reason it is important to provide SoftPlan with the key number that your school uses.  This can be found by selecting Help > About SoftPlan from the SoftPlan WorkStation at your school.  Please direct any questions to 1-800-248-0164, email  sales@softplan.com, or contact your local SoftPlan sales representative.


  • The product is only available for online ordering
  • The student's computer must meet the necessary hardware requirements.
  • The student must have their school's key number at the time of ordering.
  • The use of the HomeWork Station is for current students only.
  • The use of SoftPlan WorkStation and HomeWork Station for commercial work is prohibited.
  • The HomeWork Station only runs on a single machine and the machine must be connected to the internet.
  • Drawings completed on the HomeWork Station can only be printed at the school.
  • Export functions are disabled.
  • The HomeWork Station runs for one year.
  • The HomeWork Station cannot be moved from the computer on which it was initially loaded.
  • Technical support for the HomeWork Station is only available by email.

Please enter your School's SoftPlan key number: