Distance Entry fields
When adding mathematical calculations to distance entry fields auto scroll horizontally when the equation moves past the end of the edit box.
Drawing Action
The currently selected drawing action is maintained from tab to tab.
Right Mouse Click
Active Action added to Right Mouse Click, useful as a tiebreaker when multiple items are located within the locate tolerance.
Selection Set
When entities on a drawing are added to Select Set the Ribbon menu displays all the commands applicable to the items in the current selection set.
Drawing actions are maintained while switching from 1 tab to another.
Example: if Move was being used on the Main Floor, Move would still be the current command on the Second Floor.
Rotate Polygon Edge command added.
Zoom Speed
Annotated View (Elevations, Sections, Interior Elevations) Zoom speed increased.
Zoom Extent & Zoom Workspace
If objects exist outside of the workspace the zoom will extend past the workspace so those objects are displayed.