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Replying to SoftPlan+ on a MAC

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 11:58 AM

Thanks CT, it's a place to start.

Posted 05 March 2015 - 08:48 AM

I run SP2014+ on my 2011 iMac.  (2.5Ghs i5, 12Gb Ram, 512Gb video card)  I do it through parallels and like it because then I'm right near my macside desktop.  I also have bootcamp with Win 7 for other stuff - I just choose to go this way and no trouble so far, though rendering isn't really fast.


I see that my SP folder with only one project is only 4Gb.  I 'm not a long time user but I'll bet that means it wants at least 20Gb of it's own - maybe someone else can say better.  That would mean to me, 50Gb at least for Windows stuff + 20 for SP = 70Gb.  Maybe then a 100Gb partition to be safe.  They say it's hard and a bit risky to resize so if you guess to low, it's a reinstall of Windows and content.


The company says they support SP on mac now.  I haven't needed to try yet.


Don't know if any of that is helpful but I figured any response is something since there are not many mac guys around here.



Posted 04 March 2015 - 10:17 PM

Any advice for setting up SP+ on a MAC.  I have Windows 7 and Boot Camp installed on a MAC mini, what should I be aware of?  How big of a partition should I have?  Will tech support address MAC related installation issues?  



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