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Replying to Auto Adjust Issues
Topic Summary
Gary McKeon
Posted 24 August 2023 - 09:46 AM
Shania Clay
Posted 23 August 2023 - 04:14 PM
After switching to Softplan 2024 I have found my project to be overly sensitive to changes in wall heights. Upon reopening the file all of my floors and walls were stacked/offset in strange locations, after some time of playing with it I have gotten all the floors and walls into the correct place. EXCEPT ONE WALL. Whenever I have ALL of my walls properly stacked and aligned the whole project resets the heights and is out of sorts. If I leave one of the foundation garage walls unaligned with the remainder of the building nothing is effected but as soon as I align the wall properly, it changes.
I have tried readjusting wall heights, adjusting offsets, changing wall types, deleting and redrawing walls, turning off auto cleanup on walls and floors, turning anchor on on walls and floors.
Does anyone have any other suggestions to try before I give up and fake the one wall on the drawings?