Posted 20 May 2017 - 09:23 PM
Posted 13 April 2017 - 10:36 PM
I've been using Softplan since ver 10 1999 to present. Most of my projects come from out of state and country. My experience starts in 1985 to 2008 as a Framing contractor, 2004 to 2010 General Contractor, all the while using Softplan. Since 2012 all I do is Drafting. I now or have access to all codes US and Canada. Structural design is incorporated in my work. I know the ins and outs of construction from my years of experience building homes, track, multi-family and custom. I work on a project contract basis,. I use Dropbox, emails and phone for communication. I send you a link, you put all info required for project- pictures, notes, specs, Softplan files. I take it from there.
Call or email me.
Alan Richards Drafting & Design
Been out of town for two weeks get home and tied up a few loose ends now I'm back in the saddle again.
email me a project with spec,s, notes, pics and a Softplan file of a completed project- SoftPlan version. I have ver.14.4.4, 2012, 2014+ ,2016+ and 2018+.
This will act as a template, show me your style, methods, expectations, notes, call-outs, sheet arrangement, your preferred wall def's , font sizes etc.attach your title block .spd file. Then briefing me on the projects specifics.
Let me know the cost you want me to do it for, time line and anything else you can think of to assist me to complete the job. I also use Sketchup 2016 which I use to make, if needed, specific symbols, etc.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Alan Richards Drafting & Design