Thanks guys for the help.... unfortunately, I have tried all of what you both mentioned. The louver is not connected to the group (it was at one time) and in both openings, the window group and louver, the header option is grayed out and unavailable for editing. I have tried all kinds of things but have been unsuccessful.... A little history... I added the louver via the roof but had to remove the gable wall because I couldn't trim it out of the triple window. When I removed the gable wall from the roof and extended the end wall up into the gable keeping the louver I had an issue where the inside wrap of the louver was sticking out about 18" from the louver and had an adobe brick pattern. Needless to say what seems like it should be a simple fix has thus far become an insurmountable obstacle. I know there is a solution somewhere, but what balance of settings is gonna help me achieve the results I want?... I wish there was a way to override some of these automated things. Maybe there is and I just don't know about it, yet.