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Creating Plan Sets & Custom Modes

Custom Modes Plan Sets Decks

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#1 Quinn Miller

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Posted 15 February 2024 - 03:03 PM

Hi all, I'm still new to Softplan and I'm trying to find the most efficient methods for creating plans. I'm mainly drawing decks and our install crew likes having separate plan pages for the post & beam layout, joist layout, and deck surface layout. 


For now, I've been using the visible items feature paired with the different default modes available - for example using the "Area" mode and changing the deck visibility options to only have the joists visible. 


This doesn't always work the best and I'd like to be able to use the Custom Modes because it seems like that's what they're for. So far I haven't gotten them setup right. A big struggle for example is that any dimensions/extension lines that appear on 1 custom mode appear in all the other custom modes. I can setup one mode perfectly with my notes and dimensions but then a dimension is in the middle of a note on the next mode. I've doubled checked that the "Visible in all modes" box isn't checked for the dimensions but they're still displaying in the different modes. 


Does anyone have suggestions to fix that? Or suggestions for a better overall method - I've played around with layers and building options a little bit but haven't figured out anything better with those. 


Thanks for any input


#2 Bill Wimberley

Bill Wimberley

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Posted 15 February 2024 - 03:19 PM

Try using a layer for each custom drawing mode. For example I have a custom drawing mode named HVAC. I also have a layer named HVAC. While in HVAC custom mode I opened the layers dialog and select HVAC to highlight it. Now anything I draw while in HVAC mode is automatically placed on the HVAC layer. You can control which modes the HVAC layer is visible so I have it turned on for only the HVAC custom mode. Using this method you can have a different default layer for each mode you want to control with layers.

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#3 John Penner

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Posted 15 February 2024 - 05:21 PM


What you are describing there is exactly what i have been trying to do. In my case i need to draw plumbing schematics. Not that difficult by itself. but to get a custom drawing mode set up has eluded me. Would you be willing to explain it, starting from the beginning? or where do i find  the info to set that up?  thanks 

#4 Bill Wimberley

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Posted 15 February 2024 - 08:12 PM

In Drawing Options, give a Custom Drawing Mode a desired name.
In Drawing Options, create a Layer you want to be associated with your Custom Drawing Mode.
Select your Custom Drawing Mode. At the top of the screen select the layer button. It will probably say Default Layer but could be different if you have previously selected a layer. From the list of layers select the layer you previously created.
This automatically assigns the selected layer to anything you draw while in your custom mode.
While in your custom mode select the Options tab at the top of the screen. Select Visible Items. On the dialog that pops up select the word "Layers" under Group Visibilities. Select the word, not the check box next to it. Place a check next to your custom layer to make it visible for your mode.

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#5 Quinn Miller

Quinn Miller


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Posted 16 February 2024 - 03:22 PM

Thank you Bill! 


I think that "clicked" for me there. I didn't have time to get it setup today but I'll be doing so next week. 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Custom Modes, Plan Sets, Decks

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