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Custom Garage Door Opening: Tutorial

garage door tutorial opening

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#1 Keith Almond

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Posted 05 April 2015 - 03:32 PM

Okay, it seem one or two people are having trouble with custom openings - I've never taken the time to do a tutorial before, so if there's obvious errors or things don't seem clear I apologise. Feel free to message me , and I'll try and clear up any errors or misunderstandings:
Here goes ..............
Custom Opening Tutorial:
Garage Door Opening:
Right Click in Softplan workspace and go to DETAIL>OPENING SHAPES>DOOR
Draw garage door opening sized to suit - In this case, 16'3" x 7'1-1/2" (a 16'0" x 7'0" with a 1-1/2" frame on three sides)
Edit frame to shown Hinge Side - U (Up).
‎April-‎05-‎15_ - 17h25m40s_006.png
Use lines and shapes to add as much detail as you require.
‎April-‎05-‎15_ - 17h25m24s_005.png
It is probably best if you want grilles to physically draw them if you have multiple windows that require them. The grille function does work on custom designs, but is a little hit and miss as to whether it works as you think it should.
This is an important step .... If you used the door glazing above, it will show as glass - otherwise any other shape that has glass, will need the glass added separately. If you want to include glass, it must be drawn in a dotted line. Personally I find it best to draw a dotted polygon (normally in a different colour). I position it where it's needed, and then right click inside the polygon, choose POLYGON and explode it. That's not the only way, but it works for me, so that's what I use - If you don't explode the polygon, it won't show as glass.
‎April-‎05-‎15_ - 17h25m05s_004.png
So now we have our basic door drawn and ready for use:
Now go to SYSTEM LIBRARY>ELEVATION OPENINGS - Choose the relevant library (Again personally, I tend to keep mine in a library called "Custom Openings" and a subfolder "Client Name"), Go to Add symbol, click on the "One Step" Button and Marquee select the items you want in the door. name the symbol as necessary.
‎April-‎05-‎15_ - 17h24m45s_003.png
You now have a Custom Garage Door elevation, tailored to your requirements.
Next - Without exiting the System Library, Change the Library Type to OPENINGS, and again, choose the relevant library. Since this is a different library type, you will have to recreate a custom library if that's what you want, it's not the same library that you created earlier.
Again, Go to Add symbol, click on the "One Step" Button. This time you get a dialogue box - Name your symbol - You can use the same name you used earlier, as it's a different library.
Now under Type Choose "Garage" and select the library and symbol you created earlier. And press OK
On the Configure Opening dialogue, you will want to select "Edit Individual Component"
On the Component Tab, change Operate to "U"
On the Elevation Tab, Change Sill Type to "None" and uncheck "Bottom" on the frame - This will correct the height on the "Component" tab, that showed 6'-10 1/2" earlier (if you noticed).
Click "OK" - Click "OK" on the "Configure Opening" Tab, and "OK" on the Configure Library Tab.
‎April-‎05-‎15_ - 17h24m26s_002.png
You have now created the plan symbol that is linked to the Elevation Opening that you created earlier.
Now the acid test .....
Draw a wall - Insert your new garage door. If you did everything correctly your 3D model should now show a wonderful 3D of your custom door ... easy as that!
‎April-‎05-‎15_ - 17h24m03s_001.png
Obviously, adapting this for custom windows or doors should be easy enough, but feel free to ask if you have issues.

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#2 Matt Orner

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 08:38 AM

Keith, that tutorial was perfect. Worked great. I really appreciate you taking the time and doing that.

#3 Keith Almond

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 08:54 AM

You're very welcome Matt, hope more people get something out of it.


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#4 James Quesenberry

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Posted 24 July 2015 - 11:17 AM

Thank you and nice work on the tutorial Keith. I did this but with an interior door. Now for the questions.


  • When looking at the door in 3D there are no edges for the perimeter of the door. How do I correct that?
  • The wood grain texture on the SP door to the left runs in the same direction as the rails & stiles. 1) How do I get the wood grain texture of the SP door on mine and 2) how do I get it to run in the same directions for the rails & stiles.

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#5 Keith Almond

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Posted 24 July 2015 - 12:20 PM

Ahh ...


Now you've noticed the flaw in the plan ....


If there's a way for the door to have edges, I haven't figured it out yet. Maybe someone smarter than me has an answer.


and the second question ....


Softplan's 3D doors were not created in Softplan. They are specifically designed 3D models. However, you can edit the textures for certain parts of the door in the surface editor in the 3D window. Experiment ...


You can import 3D models from SKETCHUP's 3D WAREHOUSE using the WIZARD in the CONFIGURE LIBRARY menu.


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#6 James Quesenberry

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Posted 28 July 2015 - 08:20 PM

Hey Keith,


If we were to use this tutorial, how would you create a double interior door with it? I can't seem to find where the option is to make a door a double.


Thank you,

#7 Keith Almond

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Posted 29 July 2015 - 06:25 AM

Do the elevation the same way, but when you create the opening, under SYSTEM LIBRARY > CONFIGURE LIBRARY > OPENINGS when you create the opening, go to EDIT INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT. Change SECTIONS to 2 and OPERATE to LR


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#8 James Quesenberry

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Posted 29 July 2015 - 08:40 PM

I'll have to say Keith at some point I'm gonna stump you yet!  :) Now on to another one. I created a custom garage door with a model I spent all day on. When saving it as an opening in SP, I did not get the overhead dashed line like you have in plan view and I do not know how to get rid of the door knobs in the configure menu. On a side note, when I create an opening, where is it that I need to change the file name so that the drawing shows all uppercase?


Thank you,


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  • GDPVELV.png

#9 Keith Almond

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:27 AM

Of course you'll stump me, Softplan does it every day!


If you didn't get the dotted line for an overhead door, then you missed a step ---- On the Component Tab, change Operate to "U" ---- To get rid of the door knobs. EDIT OPENING - go to the MISCELLANEOUS Tab and uncheck the Bottom Hardware and Top Hardware checkboxes. Although, they will probably automatically be removed when you change the operation to "U".


I think to make it show in UPPERCASE the actual symbol has to be named in Uppercase. Although I don't use uppercase generally. I only use in to emphasize.


I assume that door symbol was created in Sketchup and imported ...! I'm trying to find a way to show hinges within Softplan, but at the moment am drawing a blank.


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#10 Keith Almond

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:37 AM

Duplicate post ... DELETED


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#11 James Quesenberry

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 07:25 AM

1) I do have operate set to U and I am still not getting it. Is it possible that since I used a Sketchup model that that is why I am not getting it?


2) So you have to get rid of the door hardware after the fact. There is no way to keep it from happening beforehand. 


Thank you,


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#12 Keith Almond

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 09:00 AM

Not sure how you built it James, I'd do elevation and plans separately, and then link to a Sketchup model AFTER everything is built. Haven't tried it, so don't actually know at what stage you link to that model, but I would not have expected being linked to a sketchup model to make any difference.


As I said earlier, typically if it doesn't need hardware (like a Upward opening door), I don't think it will add it, so it's not a question of keeping it from happening. Somehow, the fact that it's not showing the dotted upward opening, and is showing hardware are linked.


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#13 James Quesenberry

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 11:03 PM

I found the issue Keith.


Now under Type Choose "Garage" and select the library and symbol you created earlier. And press OK


I did not choose "Garage" when creating the Opening, I chose "Door".


After having tried creating this door several different times and then having to go through all of the "garage" directories that I created for myself for the symbol and the elevation opening and the opening I was thinking that you were just referring to a directory. It added the overhead dashed line and removed the door knob both.


Thank s for the help!


#14 James Quesenberry

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 08:02 PM

Is there a way to control the width of the frame when using Detail -> Opening Shapes to create a new door? I thought it would have been the frame thickness under System Library ->Material Dimensions -> Opening Options -> Component Sizes but after changing it it still had no effect.


Thank you,


#15 Keith Almond

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 06:40 AM

If you change it in the system options, then it will only change for the next new drawing that you open. Try DRAWING OPTIONS > MATERIAL DIMENSIONS > OPENING OPTIONS > FRAME THICKNESS, although this is going to change every frame in your drawing.


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#16 Yvon Gonthier

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Posted 17 August 2015 - 07:54 AM

My garage door frames are different than the other openings so I let the system (as explained by Keith)control the major openings than for the garage doors, I edit the garage door, uncheck "Product Code" in the "Plan Tab" and than check the "Frame Boxes" in the "Display Tab" and enter the proper sizes.

#17 Bryan Ireland

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Posted 08 September 2017 - 07:00 AM

On the craftsman style garage door posted above, how are you drawing the decorative hinges? Is that something provided by SoftPlan or are you drawing lines on the elevation and making a custom elevation?

#18 Bryan Ireland

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Posted 08 September 2017 - 07:10 AM

To the question above...I am using SoftPlan 2018. 

#19 Keith Almond

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Posted 08 September 2017 - 08:02 AM

On the craftsman style garage door posted above, how are you drawing the decorative hinges? Is that something provided by SoftPlan or are you drawing lines on the elevation and making a custom elevation?


The model was created in Sketchup.


You can't show the hinges and handles in Softplan by any simple means ... if you draw them as lines you will end up with a single 3D outline of a hinge, the same colour as the door. The simplest method is to create a single decorative hinge as a separate symbol and position it/them to suit. Same with the decorative handles.






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#20 Bryan Ireland

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Posted 08 September 2017 - 08:56 AM

Ok, thank you! I will try that!

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