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3D Rendering

3D Rendering

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#1 Gerald Horst

Gerald Horst


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Posted 15 November 2021 - 09:23 AM

1.On the left I am having trouble with an exterior wall which keeps disappearing. Its visible in the plan view but will not show the stone rendering in the 3D view.


2.On the right I'm having trouble adding vertical siding to extend to the roof from the garage. I've tried to add a secondary wall but when I adjust the wall height (rake to roof) it changes my second floor elevation height


 Any help would be greatly apricated. Thank you

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  • Inked3d rendering problems_LI.jpg

#2 Michael Roman

Michael Roman

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Posted 16 November 2021 - 07:27 AM

Hi Gerald.  Are you using 'Fit to Roof' for the wall that is not showing up in 3D?  If so, it is probably fitting the wall to the porch roof.  It would show up in plan view but in 3D it would behidden by the porch roof.

As far as question #2 goes, are you using reference circles on your plans?  These will lock their elevation in 3d space so that if you make a wall on a lower level it does not move the upper level.  Use the circular one and put it on the same location on each level (like an outside corner common to all plans).  It will then match the top of that wall with the bottom of the floor on the next level up.  If you don't use reference circles it just stacks the upper floor on the highest point of the floor below.  Hope that makes sense.

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