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Roof Holes Not Working - Need Help

Roofhole gable hip roof shed roof

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#1 Taylor Henry

Taylor Henry


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Posted 09 March 2023 - 11:07 PM

I'm having an issue cutting a whole in the roof. I attached 4 pictures. I'm trying to create a rear gable with windows above the double doors but I need this piece of roof removed to be able to do that. It is part of the main body of the roof system for  the home. It is set up as a double hip roof. I have highlighted the roof I'm trying to cut a whole in below in the second picture. I also have a picture below highlighting the whole I'm trying to cut out but doing so takes away the roof on the shed portion of the double hip roof as shown in the 4th picture below. I've tried everything not sure what else to do and starting to get frustrated. Softplan really needs to work on the ability to cut wholes in certain sections of the roof without taking out the roof that needs to be shown it shouldn't be this difficult.


Any help will be much appreciated!









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#2 Sam Morgan

Sam Morgan

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Posted 10 March 2023 - 08:22 AM

Use adjust command and stretch that hole out further

#3 Wendall Hilty

Wendall Hilty

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Posted 10 March 2023 - 08:26 AM

Did you try using Auto Hole? This allows you to click on the roof that covers the area that needs to be cut out and it will cut a hole in the roof directly below.

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#4 Taylor Henry

Taylor Henry


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Posted 10 March 2023 - 08:51 AM

Hey Sam, seems like if make the whole bigger it makes the hole in the roof bigger and I need that part to stay filled in. I need the part under the roof to go away, but it keeps taking out both parts because technically the shed roof portion and that part I'm trying to cut out are part of the same roof since its set up at double hip roof.



Wendall, yes I have tried auto whole multiple times. I've tried clicking different reference points on the roof edges then draw the whole and the same result keeps happening. Just not sure what to do to cut that part out. I would think someone would have experienced the same thing as the roof on this house isn't all that rare of a design.  

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Roofhole, gable, hip roof, shed roof

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