Okay Softplan Users, since you've all been so nice to me on the forum, to celebrate my 1000th post, I'm going to give you a small gift ....
In a recent thread there was some discussion about Board & Batten Siding, and as a few of you may know, I did a little experimenting with some graphic design, and as a result here is a ZIP file containing my work.
This ZIP file contains 67 different colours of board and batten siding @ 8" o.c., all of which are completely seamless. 54 are based on MITTEN VINYL colours and 13 are based on MINWAX woodstain colours. These should enable you to coordinate with standard vinyl or stained finishes - These tiles have been created from a FILTER FORGE texture, and some graphic wizardry. Use them as you see fit, there are no copyright restrictions ... Just don't sell them.
Standard Disclaimer ... These are as close as I can get them, but please check actual samples, I take no responsibility for issues arising from their use. ....
If you use them, a thank you would be appreciated, and it would be great if you could post a 3D model view showing how they turn out.
I hope you find them useful.
DEAR SOFTPLAN ... If you wish to use these textures inside the program, feel free - if you think there may be issues with the naming, please rename them to suit.
Sample ... Annapolis Blue